Annapurna Base Camp Ghorepani Trek Video

The Annapurna Base Camp Ghorepani Trek is a popular trek in the Annapurna Region. The 15-day Annapurna Sanctuary Trek, also known as Annapurna Base Camp, takes you from the peaks of Annapurna Base Camp to the valleys of the peaceful town of Pokhara. Mt. Macchapurchre, also known as Mt. Fishtail (6993 m), which is taken into consideration to be a holy mountain, will be in the course of the path to give you the first-rate of the photographic shots within the morning as well as inside the night while the rays of setting sun hit the majestic mountain alongside other mountains along with the Annapurna range. Rugged Trails Nepal Annapurna Base Camp Ghorepani Trek Plan can be customised on request.